Friday, 18 December 2015

Progress Diary: Shot 8

While this shot on the face of it seems relatively simple, keeping everything in proportion during it's movement was a challenge. The cable is able to remain static in the sense that it does not need to grow, but as the ATAT falls, it needs to move realistically to match this while maintaining it's origin a the front right foot. I chose a mid shot pan for both technical and artistic reasons. Focusingnon the centre while showing all the action helps the other wise stiff movement look realistic as the audience does not see what is happening with the feet.

As with the path for the snowspeeder in the previous shot, it was important to not keep the spline from which the cable is made flat on the z axis. It needed to wrap up the leg to mimic the motion of the ship. Simply adding thickness using the 'Show in viewport' rendering option created the cable shape.

As shown in the final render below, it was necessary to move the cable manually in some shots similar to the growth in the previous shot. Simply linking the cable object and setting its pivot to its origin meant it would inherit the feet's rotation and have the cable suspended in the air. Manually specifying the rotation and in some cases scale every 10 or 15 frames was the most efficient fix for this. As before, the pan effectively frames the shot so as not to show the necessary but in some cases unrealistic movement of the cable.

Good parts:
  • Camera movement and angle shows all of the action while using a closer camera angle than the usual wide shot
  • Easy and quick creation of realistic looking cable using spline that can have each of vertices manipulated even with the thickness rendered.

  • If the previous shot used a separate spline for the cable this could have been imported here to save time

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