3ds Max tips #7 Keyframe animation
- Rescale to change start and end frames while it already is animated
- ping pong loop
- can set time tags on certain frames as indentifiers
- can move and copy keyframes
- convert existing spline intro trajcetory to have more control over it
- Follow/bank utility should be used for correct orientation on path
- ghosting shows previous frames position and later frames
- frame rate times length of shot gives you total number of frames needed
- key filters - chose one type e.g. position
- show cone always shows frustum even if not selected
- set key after dragging to desired frame
- time config - turn off active viewport only if not intensive
- rectangle select both if changes are to be made to both
- trajectory shows path of already made animation
- select particular frame to move paths position on tha
- spacing of dots indicate space of motion
- object properties - trajectories to see
- objects naturally eases-in eases-out moves quicker in the centre
- curve editor can change this to constant rotate - button top right
- time runs left to right, vertically is value of movement
- rectangle select over lines and chose staright line tangent option for linear
- set back to original behavior with auto tangent
- ctrl alt middle mouse to zoom
- lines need to be same length
- auto key - set first key manually then drag later point and move to where desired
- edit keyframe if that frame is selected with autkey on
- toggle keyframe button for snapping next skip to frame next
- Layers - doing pos then rot
- turn position off and rotation on
- right click rotation button to see actual values
- offset position and value slightly for realism
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